Wyekeat's Weblog

October 23, 2008

The First Tag!! ^^ by jie

Filed under: Uncategorized — wyekeat @ 8:37 AM


1)If your lover betrayed you, what will your reaction be?

Well, i will make sure He BURN in hell. Just accept the fact that she betrayed me and be emo for a period of time, and bla bla bla. What i am trying to say is that depends on the situation. =)

2) If you can have a dream to come true, what would it be?

Dreams arent supposed to come true.

3)What will your dream wedding be like?

I dont know about dream wedding, but my perfect wedding will be held in a small cosy church, with my love ones. =) and then there is this cool bald pastor doing the testimonial, and doing the I do I do thingy. As long as its not too complicated, its perfect to me.

4) Are you confused as to what lies ahead of you?

If there is a snowlax in lying in front of me, just use the pokeflute lar. Haiyoh.

5)What’s your ideal lover like?

Ideal, she musnt be perfect. x)

6)Which is more blessed? Loving someone or being loved by someone?

More blessed. Hmm… Actually a little bit of both would be the most blessed thing.

7)How long do you intend to wait for someone you really love?

how long do you think i need?

8)If the person you secretly like is already attached, what would you do?

what if shes attached to me?

9)Is there anything that made you unhappy these days?

Err, a couple of stuffs. But its none of your business.

10)Is being tagged fun?

depends on what kind of tag.

11)How do you see yourself in 10 years time?

in the year of 2018, wow… its beyond my vision.

12)Who are currently the most important people to you?’

MOST important means one right? Unfair when i have such a long list.

13)What kind of person do you think the one who tagged you is?

Emo. =P errr, passive, quite photogenic if you go and browse her blog. Can be moody, dislike sleeping. EAT A LOT. and perhaps quite elegant ( she learns ballet)

14)Would you rather be rich and single or married but poor?

i want to be rich and married. I dont care.

15)What’s the first thing you do every morning?

Actually opening your eyes is not the first thing in the morning, its the hesitation to be made to continue sleeping or wanting to wake up, then only you proceed to opening your eyes. =P

16)Would you give all in a relationship?

Yeah. I think so.

17)If you fall in love with 2 people simultaneously, who would you pick?

How can this happen? Theres always someone you love more.

18)What type of friends do you like?

the current one is good enough.

19)What type of friends do you dislike?

the ones that i have not met.

20)Tag 6 people

if you love me, do it. =)

1 Comment »

  1. “dreams aren’t supposed to come true”?
    so depressing

    Comment by zishen — October 23, 2008 @ 8:55 PM | Reply

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